The ARK Education Initiative

Powering intellects for a changing world.
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ARK Educate prepares all teachers and students with skills to build an Innovation Mindset

We advance equity and equality by making innovative thinking accessible to all, regardless of background or circumstance

Our programs are powered by original research from ARK Invest analysts who are experts on the impact of advanced technologies related to AI, Robotics, Genomics, Battery Storage, and Blockchain Technology.

ARK Educate situates lessons in scientific methods and principles within a series of innovation challenges that inspire collaboration, hypothesizing, and gathering data through hands-on learning. With a curriculum grounded in real-world relevance, students no longer ask, “What does this have to do with me?”

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What our teachers are saying

"Our class is accustomed to brainstorming and exchanging ideas but the introduction of an Innovation Mindset has broadened the spectrum of this process. It's very cool for them to see their strengths in this way, and the strengths of each other. "Now that's a genius creative idea," I heard one student say to another last week.”

Jessica, Middle Creek Montessori 

In School

Students discover the wonder and utility of scientific and engineering principles through their application to real-world problems within our vertically aligned curriculum. Our thematic, scaffolded approach aligns with students' stages of development, allowing students to gain confidence through making connections between naturally emerging patterns across concepts and disciplines. 

This means that each year's lessons and hands-on experiences build upon the knowledge and understanding of what came before. As students grow in confidence, students begin to make connections and link them elsewhere. This allows for patterns to naturally occur.

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In The Community

ARK Educate is committed to delivering innovation opportunities in a rich learning environment that stimulates and excites the greater community outside the classroom. Our goal is to ignite imagination and create an environment where people of all ages learn from and work with each other to think expansively and reach understanding through experimentation. By applying their newly developed experiences and skills, students will employ compassion and problem-solving and ultimately improve the world.


At Home

Parents and caregivers play a critical role in student learning. ARK Educate believes in a holistic approach to education, addressing every aspect of a student’s environment. We are not surprised when parents tell us they heard about science at the dinner table, in the car, or out of the blue! ARK Educate students are often eager to share information or speak with friends and family about something they discovered or tried at school. With newsletters, invitations to a science fair, or special events, we are eager to build a link between home and school.

What our teachers are saying

"I found my students were captivated by the idea of exploring real-world issues and trying to find solutions to those challenges. This created space for empathy, curiosity, and creativity. Project-first learning is definitely something I have come to appreciate and value. It made the teaching and learning in my lab relevant, tangible, and accessible to my students. That is something more educational spaces need in today's world." 

Manny Guardado, Notre Dame Academy