Middle School

ARK Educate


Our curriculum is uniquely designed to be challenging and relatable. Through story and experience, scientific principles are connected to real life and Problem-First Thinking is engaged whenever possible. 

We envision the classroom as a laboratory of exploration and "a-ha," where failures are regarded as opportunities and success inspires taking the next risk. Our modules are scalable and accommodate differentiated learners with lessons geared toward hands-on experimentation and students who are actively engaged and often thrilled.

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ARK Educate applies its problem-first thinking approach to all seven hands-on modules for sixth, seventh, and eighth grades.  Lessons are situated in scientific methods and principles within a series of Innovation challenges.

Students investigate and analyze ideas through ongoing interactive experiences emphasizing expansive thinking, collaboration, curiosity, and mastery. Students begin in sixth grade by engaging in one innovation concept per module. Both responsibility and freedom increase in seventh and eighth grades as students engage in a higher level of experimentation and analysis, and are given additional time to build on their curiosities in relation to the content.





Problem-First Modules

Modules aligning innovation to the life, earth, and physical sciences.

Measuring the age of rocks on Mars

Earth Science | Robotics

The Evolution of Robots

Life Science | Robotics

DNA Nanorobots

Life Science | Robotics

Gamifying Food Webs

Life Science | Gamification

Remixing Heat Transfer

Physical Science | Gamification

Virtual Reality 101

Physical Science | Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality Space Exploration

Physical Science | Virtual Reality
Sixth-Grade Problem First Modules

Modules Aligning Innovation to Life, Earth, and Physical Sciences.

Module 1

Re-designing School Lunch

Module 2

Wearable Health Technology

Module 3

Building Sustainable Infrastructure

Module 4

Do-it-Yourself Water Filtration

Module 5

Drones for Predicting Weather and Saving Lives

Module 6

How Batteries Work

Module 7

Re-designing Reusable Rockets

Seventh-Grade Modules

Aligning Innovation and Engineering to the Life, Earth, and Physical Sciences.

Module 1

Earth Science/Robotics: 

Measuring the Age of Rocks on Mars

Module 2

Life Science/Robotics: 

The Evolution of Robots

Module 3

Life Science/Robotics: 

DNA, Nanorobots

Module 4

Life Science/Gamification:

Gamifying Food Webs

Module 5

Physical Science/Gamification:

Re-mixing Heat Transfer

Module 6

Physical Science: 

Virtual Reality 101

Module 7

Physical Science: 

Virtual Reality Space Exploration

Eighth-Grade Modules

Modules Aligning Innovation to Life, Earth, and Physical Sciences.

Module 1

Physical Science/Artificial Intelligence:

Classifying Substances, Emails, and Letters

Module 2

Physical Science/Artificial Intelligence

Recreating the Periodic Table Using AI

Module 3

Physical Science/Artificial Intelligence 

Can We Trust AI?

Module 4

Life Science/ Solar Innovations

Artificial  Photosynthesis

Module 5

Life Science/ Battery Innovations

Powering the Future: Battery Innovations

Module 6

Earth & Space Science /Space Innovations

Returning to the Moon

Module 7

Earth & Space Science /Space Innovations

Three Missions to the Moon

What our teachers are saying

“Working alongside the Ark Education Initiative has been life changing. I have learned so much about Innovation and how best to engage and inspire students. In addition I have learned what it is to truly have a growth mindset.”

Steven Trudell, Pinellas County Schools